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Secret of Meditation

Satish Menon

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Meditation is not merely an exercise or a routine to be followed. It is an opportunity to stay connected to the Divine wisdom within you.

As per a study conducted by Project Meditation, groups that have meditated have reported 80% lesser heart ailments. Over 75% Insomnia affected people have reported improvements. You could be well aware of many such benefits of Meditation. Over 6000 scientific studies have been conducted on Meditation. Not surprising that most of them conducted by Western Universities. These studies have connected Meditation directly to Psychology, Physiology and Corporate Benefits. More and more convenient forms of meditation are coming up that get marketed well, just like it has happened with Yoga.

The challenge here is that we could end up losing the Core or Spiritual Secret of why we meditate. The Question is..Why should any beginner take up meditation and how does it work.

Esteemed universities like Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard Medical School have performed numerous researches on Meditation. Interesting thing is that all the techniques and learning have originated from India. As per these studies, Meditation offers both physical and Neurological benefits and there is no denying it. These things are the co-products of meditating. But if we were to read our ancient scriptures and investigate a bit, the answer to the question of “why we must meditate” is so wise and interesting and divine that you experience happiness just by knowing it.

There are 2 concepts to understand.

First one. A very popular English Scholar C.S. Lewis said ‘You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body’, which essentially means that the belief that we have a body with a soul is wrong. We are the soul and for this present lifetime we have been offered a body. Once the end arrives, we will discard this body and the eternal soul will simply merge with the creator The Universal Soul.

This is an important concept of Life and After Life as explained in ancient scriptures. Now lets look at the second concept.

If you pick any skill or learning that ancient India taught. Be it Jyotisha (Astrology) or Vaastu Shastra or Weapon related skill…they all have a common foundation which is of Pancha Mahabhoot or the 5 Great Elements.

The entire world around us Our body and everything that surrounds us is made up of these 5 elements or tattvas. Let us understand the 5 elements a bit.

First one is Prithvi or Earth element: It is solid, fixed, stable. Our skin, cells, bones, muscles constitute of Earth element.

Second is Jal or Water element: It is soft, flexible, adaptive. Blood flowing in our body, milk, water are all based on this element.

Third is Agni or Fire element: Fire refers to the digestive fire, the fire of ambition, the fire in our eyes when angry.

Fourth is Vaayu or Air element: Air is everywhere around us. Our Respiratory system is controlled by air element.

Finally Aakash or Ether element: The previous four elements – you can touch and feel and hence are called physical elements. But Ether cannot be perceived through touch and feel,hence it is a subtle element. It can have many forms like Space and Sound. For now we will consider the feature of Sound. Friends, the knowledge hidden in the Vedas is amazing.

These 5 elements constitute our universe. See carefully and you will find that everything around us in our life depends on these 5 elements. These 5 great elements have one hidden quality where the answer to the secret to meditation is present

Just like a child longs to be in the arms of the mother..

Every element in nature has a strong desire to get back to its source.

If you hold some earth element in your hand…it will try to join back to the source Earth.

Again, water whether its a river or a stream or a waterfall finds its way to the larger seas and oceans

Look at the behavior of fire. The flames of fire always rise upwards..towards its source the Sun

Air, however you trap will find its way slowly to join back to the larger source

Aakasha or Sound however loud it may be ultimately becomes weak over time and becomes silent. Silence is the origin of all sounds

Now let us bring the two concepts together.

The Body Soul concept and Five Great Elements Concept. Bring them together

If our bodily 5 great element have affinity to reach their source, then the same way our SOUL would also be inclined to connect back to its source which is the Supreme or Universal Soul isn’t it?

Hence, we need society, friendship, companionship with other souls. Yet, the greatest affinity is always to connect with the Universal Soul. Because that is the true origin and final destination. Meditation is such a divinely act which keeps our soul connected to the Universal soul in this earthly plane too.

When that happens, The Universal Soul pours out its entire Knowledge, Support and Love to our Soul. And with that our BODY made up of the 5 great elements, our MIND, INTELLIGENCE all receive proper guidance. Then it of course reflects in your bodily and mental health, Keeps you free from ailments and stress and helps you at work and life purpose immensely.

So, if nothing’s going right for you, meditate and receive directions. if everything’s great still, meditate and thank the supreme soul.

Meditation is not merely a physical exercise, it's a way of Staying Connected with the Supreme Soul all the while. Its a two-lane Spiritual Highway and we must definitely drive ourselves on it.

Thanks for reading.

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1 Comment

Deepa Desai
Deepa Desai
Nov 20, 2020

Explained so simply and scientifically. Yet i find meditating so difficult. Sitting calm, with closed eyes and concentrating within, comes very hard to me. After reading this article, and the article 'Spiritual Parenting', I have resolved to follow your advice. Thank you so much!


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